Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I feel safer now, I think

I had an unwelcome visitor last night in the form of a bear, probably black. Seems even if your garbage is well frozen he can still sniff it out. He chewed off the plastic lid after dragging it back in the yard and spread the contents.

The only track not covered with snow about 6 inches across

The trail as he dragged the garbage can

Here is the saw after I moved it inside with its dust skirt attached

Afrer a concerted effort I was able to complete the loft railings. They look great and are quite solid, the inspector will be impressed.

Top of the stairs

Almost done

The finished product 

Now on to the stair railing and it's challenges. The District says 4 inches clearance to all combustibles so that is going to make this interesting.  More tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. Seems like a nice copper heat reflector between the railing and the stone would do the trick and be an artistic touch.
