Saturday, March 16, 2013

Finishing touches

Dear Reader,
Sorry that you have been neglected.  The truth is that while Len works on bits and pieces everyday, a larger portion of his time has been spent in the shop "organizing" than previous.  Its all good.

When I got home from my last trip, I was delighted to see that the one little dark corner in the kitchen was gently lit.  Apparently putting in the LED lighting was a bigger deal than planned.  You can't cut the wire on this unit, so it had to be coiled and somehow concealed below the cabinet. Len opted to add a triangle of shelving below the cabinet for this purpose.

Cleverly hidden wiring and puck lights

The result is lovely
 Then, after I finished the painting of doors, Len got the cabinet in the master bath put together.

Mom and Dad gave us those lovely red towels for Christmas in 2011.  They now have a home!

The shower, still waiting for a couple of tiles

Its hard to get a good shot of the bathroom, but you get the idea
 The next thing that needs to be finished is the cabinet in the laundry room. The sink is hooked up and works.  Len has been fitting the doors and soon they will be ready for paint.  Meanwhile, the laundry room is a bit of a disaster.

Under construction
We took some time off today to play some music, then Len was off to the shop.  He has been putting up drywall and organizing some more.

Meanwhile, I am making peanut butter cookies and reading by the fire.  Speaking of which, Len made a giant one this morning.

I took a picture for my iPad wallpaper

Isn't it great?  Honestly,  we spend every morning sitting here with our lattes.  Life is good.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More winter, more cabinets

A beautiful dump of short lived snow and I am getting to the finish point in our bathroom.

 Cath takes a picture of water coming from the tap to prove that it is here finally. The master bath has water and will soon have doors to finish the cabinet.
Yes it works
And now onto something completely different, sort of.  I have created another cabinet but this time it is for the laundry room.  I thought that I might as well do all of these at the same time while my mind was in the mode.  I have made all the doors and hopefully I won't have to set up for any more.  

Cabinet in place

Cathryn is busy applying the final coats of colour to the doors
 I also made two solid core doors for the ash clean-out and the under stair vacu-flo area. They are ready for paint and will get installed as I get to the basement stuff.

I've started a bit more drywall in the shop to finish off behind the workbenches and painted the office wall so that I could hang all of my clamps there. I'll finish that and the vanity doors tomorrow.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Master bath next steps

I got home from another work trip to find some good progress in the shop, but Len was waiting for me to bring home some more tiles and supplies to finish the master bath.

While trying out shower heads, Len decided to check the house water pressure and found it was a bit lower than code, so tweaked it up to the legal limit.  We now have a pressure gauge in the line so will know if it drops.

Water pressure right on the mark

 While I was gone, Len got the cabinet and doors made.

Doors being clamped

Cabinet put in place

Then he got busy on the vanity top, made from the same travertine tile that is in the shower.  Unfortunately, the pieces were slightly darker than the shower tiles and so we can't put in the last one in the shower stall.  There is just enough difference to really show.  So I will be keeping my eye out for a lighter version of the tile next time I am near a Home Depot.

Straight and level

Travertine in place, and marked for the sink.
This morning the tile was grouted and now we wait to put in the sink and hook up the water.  Len is out in the shop today... not sure what he is up to, but he is keeping busy.

Tomorrow I am off on a short trip for work and hope that the sink is in by the time I get back Tuesday evening.
