Tuesday, August 14, 2012

North side completion . . . sort of

It took a day longer than planned, but there are many reasons for the delay.  First off, we had a 2 hour power-outage yesterday which was frustrating.  Then there were the many small but tedious and time-consuming nooks and crannies to be dealt with.  But dealt with they were and ta da!
One last little bit of flashing

One of the tricky corners.  Doesn't the soffit look nice?

The other tricky corner.  
While he was up there, Len sanded and varnished the beams as well as painting the siding.
I think the finished product is great.
The only portion not done on the north is under the covered entrance, but Len says that can wait.  Also, the soffits on the garage which apparently will be easy peasy.   Next, on to the eastern wall.  No windows to deal with there, but still high.  Tomorrow the scaffold goes back up in its new location.


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