Monday, October 24, 2011

More muck and Way up high...again

Here is how the day on Saturday went....
Work. Work. More Work.

Here is some of the duct work being done

This is some of the geothermal equipment
 Len had to get 10 holes drilled to connect the manifold inside to the pipes outside.  A noisy job.
Len found rebar is hard to drill through and had to do some hand work

The big hammer drill he rented

Hoses through the concrete

 Meanwhile, outside the Terra Therma drilling fellows, Greg and Steve, were doing all the connections in the trenches.
6 ft under, the well goes down, then piped across to the house

It all ends up here

Down in the trenches
Then we got serious about insulating the ceiling of the great room.
Load ready to go up

From up it is a long way down

getting the load up is one thing....

getting it in the rafters is another

One half done

More hoisting and scary heights performances

Len used rope to bring up the next level of scaffold and then put it together up above his head

We moved the scaffold over the stairwell, behind the fireplace to get the very center

At this point, it is dark and Len is still mucking about with the scaffold.  I am going to make dinner.  Stay tuned..... Cath

1 comment:

  1. Love a comercial hammer drill with diamond tipped bits - amazing to drill concrete like wood (almost).
    I see you reached phase 2 of the lift - why is it so long? Looks like the bats are held in place by friction - is that true?
