Monday, July 12, 2010


So, after all that work it"s finally done.  The concrete is in the foam.  I'm sitting here at 7:30 having a celebratory plate of left overs, thanks Mom, and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.  The day started out early with a rush into 100 Mile to return the laser level and a quick bite at Timmy's.  Raining on and off and pretty dreary.  The pumper and the first load were here at nine and away we went.  No real gliches except the need to order more than was calculated.  I never saw so much concrete go into a hole in all my life.  Lots of finishing and checking on attach bolt locations as well as pockets for the beams.  After everyone was gone it was time for a trip to the dump and now here I am. Tomorrow is the second shipment of walls for the house and we will start on the floor joists while we still have the scaffolding.  Cathryn is in Toronto for a few days and Banjo is staying with Kyla.  Thanks Kyla and Chris.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's progress!!!!

    I wouldn't recognize the lot.

    Hope you are having at least a little fun.
