And boy did it rain. Not a good day to be up on a slippery slope so might as well continue with the concrete work. Cath ran to town for 25 bags of ready mix and Ross brought a couple of sonotubes. We made squre forms for the bases and, withe the concrete mixer that Ken had rented, we got to work on the three pier footings for the west deck. The ground was a quagmire on that slope making it even more fun. After sliding around for a couple of hours it decided to hail and rain some more. I found a dry piece of ground and spread the dry dirt over the slope. We all stopped slipping and things went smother then. Cathryn soon had to go into town for 20 more bags which we used 18 of and the job was done.
Portable concrete truck |
Three pillars ready to go |
Meanwhile, to add to the fun, we had our last delivery from Tamlin homes. This included the plywood for the roofs and all of the siding. We also got all of the green trim to finish up the house exterior. I had prepared a number of spots to put the incoming stuff so this unload went much smoother. The driver didn't get his truck stuck at all, bonus. He placed everything where we wanted it and even spotted a couple of loads up on the sloped roof to make it easier to get at.
Starting the unloading process |
Very heavy concrete siding |
Cedar soffit material |
Setting 2500 lbs of 1/2 inch plywood on the side of the roof |
We picked up a couple of the our timbers, that we had milled from our fir trees last year, to use as posts for this deck work. They are 8x8 and very heavy, should do the trick. We'll be assembling that deck in Monday. We're going to a wedding and Bluegrass Festival at Sorrento tomorrow and back for Sunday, hopefully to better weather. I only have one week left up here so I'm hoping to get to the windows and doors.
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