Monday, May 16, 2011

going up, second floor luxury apartment

After such a perfectly sunny and warm day on Sunday, today turned out to be cool and rainy. It's still raining so an inside project will be the ticket for today. Thought I would tackle the stairs to the garage loft.  It always seems like some things should be quite difficult to do and many people say that about building stairs. I drew them up on my cad program and they came out fine.  There are a few steps involved.

First the layout on the 2 x 12
I dug out a couple of 2 x 12s and laid out 16 steps, tread at 10" and rise at 6.5 inches. Then the cutting of all the notches.
That's one of them.
 I traced the first onto the second and cut it as well.  Now the moment of truth, will they fit.  A bit of a chore to wiggle them into that hallway but all is well and a perfect fit.
In place.
Now the treads.  I am glueing all pieces in place so no squeaks later.  I started this project at 9AM and finished at 8PM.  Nice to have it done and if it continues to rain tomorrow I will start on the walls in the garage loft room.
Going up anyone