Today started earlier than usual. Len had to return the laser level and the hammer drill to town before 8. It was pouring rain most of the night and still going strong in the morning. While Len was in 100 Mile House, he witnessed snow gently falling. Despite the rain, Jesse came to work on time and the final stages of leveling were soon completed. The rain stopped, the sun came out and the rest of the day was quite pleasant. We were out of water in the little RV so moved it over to Amen's to use his hose. I had forgotten how rough the move would be as Len dug a big hole for the back tire to help level things out. As the RV lurched forward, the coffee bodum hit the floor and broke. While there was a mess of dishes and odds and ends strung around, nothing else broke. Amen was generous with his hose and the water was filled in no time. While walking back, Cathryn and Banjo noticed a big black dog coming down the road. Except it wasn't a big dog, it was a bear! The first we have seen in this area, although the neighbours say they do visit from time to time. Luckily Banjo was obedient and didn't chase after it and it scurried into the bush toward Walker Valley. On the work site, Len and Jesse began putting rebar in the first course, zap straps in the corners, and generally making sure everything was level and straight. Jesse left at 6:30 - he will really be missed by Len, and Cathryn will have to stand in the best she can. Meanwhile, Dad Hawkins was busy getting their RV ready for their holiday. Mom and Dad also drove into town and brought back the makings for a lovely sole dinner with greek salad which Cathryn cooked and we all enjoyed. After a late supper, we got the first course entirely set with rebar and zap strapped together so that Len could feel good quitting a little earlier tonight. With all that water on board the shower got a good workout. We turned on the furnace just in case it is needed tonight as they are calling for lows of 4-6 C. Burr. Hoping for more sun tomorrow. Canada Day. You can see Mom is excited about that.
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