Saturday, March 27, 2010

The week in review and a house plan drawing

Ok, I have been informed that I am not much of a blogger, not having put anything out for over a week now.  That is because our "doings" have consisted of waiting ....waiting to get our insurance sorted out, which includes waiting to hear back from various companies....waiting to contact our plumber/septic dig guy....waiting for the plans to get back to the engineer for his "stamp" and to get started in the permit process.... you get the idea.

So rather than send you a picture of Len sitting at the computer (waiting) here is a picture of our house, or at least a picture of the planned south exposure.  The central part is timberframe and the sides are stick frame.


  1. Sweet - just getting started on your blog -- hope to come visit before all the fun stuff is done - wonderful odyssey!

  2. I have had 3 weeks of reading to catch up. Now I've come back to the beginning to try to spot your house on the map - Google Earth - apparently has not updated its high resolution pictures around 108 lake and your spot.
    I found out that my bicycle trip across Canada in 1985 came pretty close to your old and new homes. When I got to Lake Louise I could not stand the idea of ending the trip so took a right turn up to Jasper and across Mt Robson then Rt 5 down through Kamloops and on to Vancover . . .
