Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Siding done at last

Len is a happy guy!
He has been on such a drive to get it done that our blogging has suffered.  So here are all the details to catch you up.

The side of the great room by our bedroom is done
Working on the dining room side

That's a wrap!

Then on to the covered deck
 Meanwhile, I spent the weekend staining all the soffit material.
This is where the pile of wood was.  All stained, finished and ready to put up
 While I was gone for 2 days to Victoria, Len had company
Is this what you call a horny toad?
 Len moved from the now-finished covered deck (sorry no picture yet) to the front entrance.  The last siding to go up.
Getting set up 

Putting up soffit material under the porch roof

One of Len's famous ladder to a scaffold to a ladder configuarations

The finished product
Worth it, don't you think?!
Tomorrow is clean up day in preparation for our company.  Dave, Doris, Mom and Dad arrive in the evening.



  1. Amen! Len's art is much appreciated.

    1. Thanks, it is nice to know it is appreciated and that someone is following along.
