Sunday, February 12, 2012


In anticipation of having Kyla and Chris here, we finished off the basement bathroom to a useable state.
Len adding the green board
gluing on the last of the tiles
The sort-of finished product
We had a pleasant surprise on Friday afternoon when Kyla (and Asia the dog) arrived ahead of schedule. Len put her to work immediately, using the drywall lift to start the kitchen/dining room ceiling. Meanwhile, a couple more young men from the neighbourhood finished bringing in the drywall. I made dinner and cleaned up the nearly-completed bathroom so that Kyla could use it

Kyla at the wheel

The first piece is up!
Saturday Len and Kyla got the ceiling finished and moved on to the ceiling of the laundry room.  Here is the step-by-step process.
Measure twice, cut once.  Putting in the hole for the pot light. 
Carefully move the prepared sheetP
Place the sheet on the lifter
Place in horizontal position and start lifting
Get the sheet lined up
Good work cutting the holes!
The finished product, after all the screws are in place

Len and Chris finished the master bedroom ceiling and then it was supper time.
A lot of time looking up (the gang in the bedroom)
Kyla's helper, Tank, 9 mo old

Even though the actual day is tomorrow, we are celebrating Len's 60th this evening. A busy and productive day. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys rock the rock. I always seem to be off just a little bit. Congratulations at being so fit at 60. I'm right behind you and am inspired!
