Well I earned my keep today. Started out with finishing the move of the loft floorboards. I decided to manually move them up to the loft instead of just repositioning them again. 1870 pounds of lovely 1 inch tongue and groove fir.
The pile I am moving is on the left and the blue tarp is the two shop doors I built last year.
You can see the two piles of flooring up in the loft with the plumbing and electrical stuff |
Once that was out of the way I repositioned the shop doors off to that side. All this is to make room for the shop excavation. The piles of siding and soffit material will be lifted to new digs on Monday when the crane truck gets here. I have everything ready to go.
More places for the piles to go |
This is what it looks like now. |
The only fly in the ointment for digging the shop foundation will be the removal of more trees. I am hoping to have a couple of them milled to become part of the main staircase to the loft. I know a fellow out here who I hope will help in the falling of the bigger ones. I have marked them with ribbons and will probably get at them the week after Easter.
I'd like it a bit warmer anyway before I fire up the backhoe to move it out of the way. More nail pulling and cleanup for tomorrow.
Why did you choose to build the house before building the shop? Seems like having the shop space would have helped with all the other work.