Rain! Sleet! Snow! Sun! We had it all! We spent Friday in town (100 Mile House) getting our permits - pretty neon signs to put up - renting a storage locker for the items we brought up with us (the first of many such trips), and getting the RV set up, groceries put away, etc. On Saturday, Len was up for some serious digging for putting the electric lines underground. Here he is, digging 18" down through roots and rocks, and still smiling after making over 60' of progress. Meanwhile, Cathryn was digging slightly lighter, easier stuff - wood chips- transferring the pile from one side of the driveway to the other. The former location will soon be covered over in dirt for her garden.
By the end of the day we were both stiff and sore, so headed across to the Hills Guest Ranch where they have a lovely pool and hot tub. Well worth the $14 - we swam and then soaked and headed back to the RV.
On Sunday Len attempted to move some dirt down the hill using the back hoe, but it was too wet and the hoe spun it's wheels, took out a little tree, and almost got stuck. Len gave up (for today) in disgust.
Back to more trench digging instead. We spied this beautiful woodpecker in the woods.
Lovely - lots of drawers - I love it