So Cathryn is in Victoria this week and Banjo and I are supposed to get a lot done. We'll see how that goes.
First thing was a trip to town yo return the blower and hose. Oops, forgot to return the extra insulation, 7 bags. Back to the 108 building supply where I also picked up a couple of old lumber tarps from the lumber yard so I could cover some piles of wood before the snow flies. While I was there took down our coffee house poster. It will go up again this week after they clear off the board again. This happens on the 15th of the month so if you don't get it down it's gone.
On my way home I took a side trip to Lac La Hache to look at an old Toyota with a snow blade on it.
It was on Craigs list so I hoped I would catch him home. No luck. I'll send him an email.
When I got home i spent some time securing tarps on all of our wood piles
Back at the ranch and I am working on trim in the Master bedroom and the loft. Should be able to finish tomorrow. One of the pieces for the door was a bit short as I am running out of that size so I biscuited a couple of shorter leftovers together, just trying to be frugal. def: cheap.
I had to put up some plastic on the gable end of the shop as the wind was blowing through and taking some insulation with it. This wouldn't happen if I had the soffits up. Not enough months in the year.
Then I decided to do some screw tightening on the deck. This I did till the battery went down so I'll finish that tomorrow as well.
Took Banjo for a walk and finished off the day by repairing one of our firs on the driveway that was scraped by a concrete truck last year.
Just another day at the Aune project. I'll take some photos tomorrow.